Why Blue is Our Favorite Color?

Nov 1, 2020

Regardless of Race and Gender

What is your favorite color? This is a question which I ask and was asked a lot when I was a kid, as if your favorite color shows something mysterious about you.

What about the world’s favorite color? Is it possible for people from different cultures and background to have a universal favorite color?

There is — and it is blue.

Source: https://today.yougov.com/

It turns out that blue wins no matter which country you are in.

source: https://www.livescience.com/

Also it doesn’t matter which gender you identify with.


It turns out that people’s favorite color depends on what they associate the color with. Blue is associate with water and sky, which is positive things. Researchers tried to alter people’s preference of colors by showing them positive objects in red and negative objects in green, and the reverse in another group. After that, they are asked their color preferences, and it changed immediately. However, this effect does not last long. The color preference in the 2 groups become similar again the next day.

Political events can also change people’s color preferences temporally. On Election Day, Republicans suddenly like red, even thought blue is their favorite color normally.

So, say goodbye to the Facebook color preference personality tests. Our favorite color is something that constantly changing (our personality does too), and it reflects what we sense and experience.

